How to Give Back During December

The holidays are a time for both receiving and giving.  If you feel like you are receiving a lot and not giving much back this year, there are many things that you can do to change that.  The holidays are a hard time for the homeless and for people who just don’t have the means to provide a good holiday for their family.  If you want to make a difference this year, this article lists some of the ways that you can give back this December.


Raise Money for a Charity

You can raise money for charities by holding fundraisers at our gala-fundraiser facility in Westchester.  To raise money, you can host a raffle night, silent auction, dinner night, talent show, or any other event that will bring your community together to raise money.


Food Drive

This is another event that can be held at our gala-fundraiser facility in Westchester.  The difference, though, is that instead of raising money, you’ll be collecting tins of food, blankets, or clothes.  Make sure to advertise this event around your community to encourage the members of your community to participate.



The best thing to give during the holidays is your time.  This is a demanding time of the year and a helping hand is never a bad idea.  If you have spare time, volunteer at your local charity to help them with any service that they need.


Gift Bags

At our private events facility, you can get together with a group of people and put together gift bags for people who wouldn’t receive them otherwise.  You can get creative with these bags and fill them with whatever you’d like and then pass them out.  Whether you want to donate them to charities, or personally give them to families you know need them, the gesture will be appreciated.


If you’re on the lookout for a celebration facility, a special events space, a space for your kids parties, a bar/bat mitzvah facility, or if you need to book a kids party online, visit our Facebook page for daily updates and promotions. LIFE is Westchester’s newest special event location; we offer a modern industrial event space on the cutting edge of special event venues. If you need more info about events, or if you would like extra info on a particular service, please do not hesitate to contact us or call us at 914.591.4400.