Things you should keep in mind for your next corporate party

Corporate reunions or celebrations are great team building activities, further they help form new relationships within an organization in a different environment from everyday office duty.

However, there are a few key elements to organize a corporate party in the right way. Although most corporate parties are celebrated around the Christmas holidays, some companies prefer to throw out these bashes at a different time of the year. Regardless of when the event will be, it is very important to start planning with anticipation, to make sure everything goes well at the event.

One of the most important things is that whoever is organizing the party has to be there. And of course it is advised for everyone else at the company to go too. Of course, if you have a personal commitment and you can’t assist, you don’t have to but you should know that not going to your company’s corporate party can create a negative image around you.

Keep in mind that a corporate event is a social gathering with your co-workers and superiors, this means that you’re not all of your peers are your friends and that your boss is still your boss. So, although it is important to keep things casual and talk about other topics that don’t involve work, try not to get too personal and never lose the respect you usually maintain in your work environment.

Looking good is important if you want to cause a good impression. That doesn’t mean you have to spend all your hard earned money in a pricey outfit, just that you have to look polished, put together and clean. If the event has a dress code, be respectful of it and avoid clothes that are too revealing. Remember you will still have to see everyone after the party every day, for as long as you work there.

Keep in mind you should drink with moderation and avoid any unnecessary scenes that may embarrass you and other people at the party, especially if you’re the one organizing it. If you’re not great at planning parties but you’ve been assigned to do it, don’t be afraid and give it a chance. Take into account the budget and hire a professional to help you organize everything in the right way. Further down the road you’ll be able to organize all the events at your company without breaking a sweat.

To book a special events facility, a celebration facility, event spaces, a space for your kids parties or a bar / bat mitzvah facility, visit our Facebook page for daily updates and promotions. LIFE is Westchester’s newest special event location; we offer a modern industrial event space on the cutting edge of special event venues. If you need more info about events, or if you would like extra info on a particular service, please do not hesitate to contact us or call us at 914.591.4400.