Creating a Seating Chart To Please (Nearly) Everyone

You can’t make everyone happy, but you can certainly make most people happy when it comes to seating at your next big party function.  Whether it is a wedding, work gathering, or fundraiser, there are advantages to following the rules of etiquette when it comes to creating the seating chart.

First, understand that, while you may not find it to be the easiest or more inviting chore in the world, a seating chart really will make your event run more smoothly.  There is actually less risk of someone’s feelings being hurt, and it reduces the stress on the guests who are not familiar with others in attendance.

Guests of Honor At almost every gathering, there are a few people who are considered guests of honor.  It may be the bride and groom, special speakers, or the upper echelon of the company. Whomever it may be, it is wise to pay tribute to these folks by placing them at a special table.  DO NOT FORGET THE SPOUSES.  It is so easy to overlook this detail, especially if you are young and not yet married, but it can be very awkward to split up a married couple, especially if they are not familiar with anyone else at the gathering.  You can place the spouse of the guest of honor across the table, or you can create a table specifically for the spouses, but it is usually best (unless it is a table for a bridal party) to place couples together.

An Even Mix Rather than immediately throwing a family all together at a single table, or breaking the seating chart down by office departments, consider incorporating a mix at each table.  By placing guests with a few people they are familiar with, and a few who are new faces to them, you will encourage intermingling.

Children’s Table If you have invited families to bring their children, then consider a large children’s table for any child over a certain age.  You can decorate this table in a way that makes it very kid friendly and include items that will keep the kids entertained.  This will make the event more fun for them, and you can always leave a little extra space at each table for the kids who need a little more time with their parents.