Team Building Activities to Do Indoors, Part II

In the last post, we mentioned a few activities that you could do with your coworkers at an indoor party venue.  Team building games are a great way to build lasting memories and to encourage friendship between members of the company.  So, before everyone sits down to enjoy a meal or a couple of drinks, consider these other great activities.

Balloon Ball Game Everyone is familiar with the game of volleyball.  With only a few refreshers on the rules of the game, most will be ready to participate.  However, instead of a net and a ball, add a twist to the game.  Replace the typical volleyball with a balloon.  You don’t even need a formal net.  A string running from wall to wall can serve the same purpose, inside.  You can mark off the field with painters’ tape, and assign a referee to make official rulings.  Let the fun commence!

You can also use the balloon method of play with games such as kickball, basketball, and even baseball.

Marshmallow and Toothpick Bridges Whether you are an engineering firm, a group of architects, or members of a doctors’ office, your coworkers may enjoy the change to use their hands to create something.  Hand out bags of mini marshmallows and boxes of toothpicks to each team of people.  Teams can be as small as two people, or as large as five or six.  Each team should attempt to build a bridge that can cover a predetermined span of distance, with the knowledge that it will be tested.  When the bridges are complete, set each one across the span (this works best if the bridges are at a slight angle), and send mini vehicles (marbles) across them to see if they can support the weight of the vehicles.  Add one more marble with each consecutive test to see how much weight the bridge really can withstand.