Keep ‘Em Warm at Your Wintertime Party

Winter is a wonderful time to have family and friends together, particularly in the slow months between New Year’s Day and spring.  This is a time that is generally slower than the summer- and holiday rushes, which makes it a wonderful time to plan a party.  However, it is also a cold time of the year, so be prepared for plans that will keep your guests toasty warm.

Hot Cocoa It is a wintertime classic and a wonderful addition to a party.  Hot cocoa bars are becoming increasingly popular, as substitutes for the ice cream- and candy bars seen at summer gatherings.  Serve up the hot water, the cocoa powdered a selection of toppings, and you have a treat that will keep your friends warm and smiling.

Warm Apple Pie Celebrate with the traditional American dessert.  Not only is it a favorite in this country, it also tastes extra wonderful when served warm, making it the perfect wintertime dessert.  So, skip the cake and opt for the ooey-gooey deliciousness of apple pie.

Slippers for Every Foot Less than $2 per pair on Amazon, inexpensive slippers are easy to come by, and for a small gathering, they can be the perfect accessory to put your guests at ease. With a winter chill in the air, certainly people will be plenty pleased to slip cold toes into a warm pair.

Area Rugs for Decoration If you are hosting a larger affair and need to decorate the venue’s large entertaining space, then you might consider choosing a few nice area rugs.  Not only will they add charm to your party, they will also keep guests’ feet a bit warmer as they help you celebrate.

Warm Dips and Chip AppetizersThere are plenty of warm options for the main meal, but when you want something bite sized for guests to nibble on, then consider one of the many warm dip recipes that are so readily available online today.  Slow cookers can often be employed to keep everything warm and waiting for the moment hunger strikes.